Beware the Ides of March: Protect your family now
Have you ever thought about preparing a Will but then thought now wasn’t the time? Are you concerned about the cost of hiring a lawyer to prepare one?
We have made this decision simple for you by relaunching our Free Will campaign!
From now until 30 April 2022, we pledge to prepare a simple Will for anyone who contributes HK$2,900 to the Hong Kong based – charity Helping Hand.
Helping Hand is a registered NGO dedicated to serving the elderly in Hong Kong who are in need. The recent Covid-19 outbreak hit them the hardest, especially those who live alone in government housing or group homes. 100% of the funds raised during the Free Will campaign will go towards providing food, daily essentials and whatever is required to help the elderly in need to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. We don’t have any administrative expenses, every dollar you donate will go directly to Helping Hand.
If a simple Will is not sufficient for your needs, OLN will be happy to prepare a more bespoke Will at no cost if you are eligible based on assets and income.
OLN ran its first Free Will campaign in 2011 when we realised that a lot of people in Hong Kong were under the misconception that they did not need a Will due to the abolishment of estate duty in 2006. Many still misunderstand that an estate will automatically pass to your loved ones even without a Will in place. If you do not make a Will, there is every possibility that the intentions you had for your family will not be met.
We hope that our Free Will campaign will provide the incentive for you to get a Will in place. Doing so will not only help a worthy charitable cause, but also give you and your family peace of mind.
The campaign will close on 30 April 2022, so what are you waiting for?
If you already have a Will and want to make a donation, we are happy to accept it, we will value any donation – no matter the amount.
Helping Hand
Established in 1978 to rehouse the elderly living in squalid caged bed spaces, Helping Hand currently runs six elderly homes plus the only holiday centre for the elderly in Hong Kong with a day care unit. Apart from the quality residential, caring, rehabilitation and dementia care services, Helping Hand provides community support services and programmes for other local seniors and their carers.
If you would like to participate in our Free Will campaign, please complete the registration form.
If you would like to know more about the campaign, please contact our Partner Eunice Chiu by phone (+852 2186 1885) or email (