“There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.”
– George Washington

When everybody, especially your opponent, has read and digested Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, and every other word on the art of war and when there’s a good chance that he may even have a lot more human or financial resources, it’s never been more important to be well prepared to face the enemy.

Going to war or getting into disputes is never desirable but in the business environment in which the world currently operates such disputes are inevitable. As someone once remarked: In business, when two people are always in agreement – one becomes unnecessary.

It is perhaps wishful thinking to think that justice will prevail in the end or that the result of a dispute will necessarily fall in favour of the party that has the best merits or indeed that is “morally” in the right.

Battles are often won by the party with most foresight and who is best prepared.

At OLN we take a strategic approach to litigation and dispute resolution and concentrate on outcomes rather than simply follow the well-worn process-driven exercise that sees both parties heading down a lengthy and expensive path to a courtroom trial. No one wants to be involved in disputes and our approach not only strives to avoid disputes from becoming expensive and protracted but ensures the minimum disruption to the client’s business and existing business relationships – even those with the opposition.


We concentrate on winning the case by getting the best results for our clients. We excel not only in traditional dispute resolution and litigation but in developing an all-encompassing strategy that will bring to bear all of the legal and commercial advantages that the client may have in order to secure a successful resolution of the dispute.

Needs might require urgent action to be taken to protect the client’s interests by securing assets, evidence or otherwise obtaining a strategic advantage. However, if there is a genuine prospect of a resolution, we are happy to work with our clients through negotiation and mediation to facilitate the resolution of disputes.

Our Services

OLN’s mantra “Practical Legal Solutions - On Time - No Excuses” instills this innovative and strategic approach to resolving disputes such as:

  • Banking and financial litigation
  • Corporate and commercial litigation
  • Debt collection
  • Defamation
  • Employment disputes
  • Enforcement of foreign judgment
  • Injunction
  • Insolvency
  • Insurance claims and disputes
  • Intellectual Property
  • International Trade
  • Landlord and tenant
  • Personal injury claims
  • Professional negligence
  • Property disputes
  • Regulatory and disciplinary proceedings
  • Rent Review
  • Shareholder disputes
  • achievements

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    Dispute Resolution – General: Band 2

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