辦事處 | 辦事處關閉 | 恢復工作日期 |
中國辦事處 | 2020年10月1-8日 | 2020年10月9日 |
香港辦事處 | 2020年10月1-4日 | 2020年10月5日 |
Suite 503, St. George's Building,
2 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong
辦事處 | 辦事處關閉 | 恢復工作日期 |
中國辦事處 | 2020年10月1-8日 | 2020年10月9日 |
香港辦事處 | 2020年10月1-4日 | 2020年10月5日 |
When it comes to buying a property in France for a French national residing abroad, some difficulties in carrying out the process may arise. These may in particular be related to the (1) the financing of this project and (2) its signature by means of a power of attorney.
Getting a loan from a bank located in France can sometimes be more delicate if the borrower is not a French resident. Indeed, some banks can be quite cautious and reluctant as they will find it more difficult to check the borrower’s financial situation and background information.
It is noted that lending criteria can vary tremendously from one bank to another. Nevertheless, generally speaking, before lending money banks will carefully take into consideration the following elements with regards to the borrower:
• The level of income and indebtedness;
• The amount of the personal contribution;
• The professional situation;
• Place of residence; and
• The guarantee.
In addition to these elements, in the context of an application for a loan made in some foreign countries such as Hong Kong or Dubai, some banks will require from the borrower to provide a “Legal Opinion” signed by a qualified lawyer in the country of residence of the borrower.
This legal opinion confirming information regarding the situation of the borrower (personal status, capacity to enter into a loan agreement, no indebtment…) will be a condition precedent to making this loan to the borrower.
A template of Legal Opinion is generally provided by French banks.
One can expect that the local lawyer will only have to sign the template for minimal fee. However, the local lawyer drafting the legal opinion will be responsible for each statement contained in this document and it is therefore critical for him/her to check that they are all correct (knowing that most of the supporting documents will be in another language). His/her work will also consist in amending the template sent by banks and ensure it complies with the Hong Kong law requirements. Therefore, this kind of file is time consuming and one should expect a local lawyer to spend at least a few hours working on it.
In addition, even though the Legal Opinion is drafted and signed by a Hong Kong lawyer, it requires the assistance of lawyers qualified in French law for the verification and analysis of all the documents provided by the borrower as well as the explanation of the rules of French law.
Seeking the assistance of a firm which includes both local and French lawyers who are familiar with this type of document and transaction is essential. Endless back and forth exchanges with the banks and some potential misunderstandings on the content of the Legal Opinion may indeed delay the release of funds.
In France, a Notaire is a public official responsible for receiving all the “actes” and contracts to which the parties wish to confer the seal of authenticity, to assure their date, to hold them in trust and to deliver authentic copies of them. The Notaire has the monopoly in matters relating to purchases, sales, exchanges, co-ownerships, land plots, leases, mortgages etc.
Given the international pandemic, many buyers find it difficult to travel to France to sign in person the deed of sale at the Notaire’s office. Therefore, they usually sign over a power of attorney and send it to the Notaire in charge of the transaction.
There are two types of powers of attorney for France: those in private form (“acte sous seing privé”) and those in public form (“acte authentique”).
The difference lies in the fact that a power of attorney in private form is established directly between the parties whereas a power of attorney in public form is received before a French Notaire.
The nature of the document needed generally depends on the transaction undertaken.
Authentic powers of attorney are those made for the regularization of solemn deeds as in the case of a donation. Also in the context of the purchase of a property off-plan, French law provides that the power of attorney must be in public form.
Regardless of the form of the power of attorney and even though a power of attorney in private form is more straightforward as it requires less formalism, the drafting will require the assistance of a local lawyer/Notaire to ensure the validity of the document.
Besides, the signature of a power of attorney in private form will have to be certified by the French consulate or a Notaire who can attest that it is indeed the person who signed the document.
France is one of the most secure countries in the world when it comes to buying off-plan property (VEFA) as buyers’ interests and money are protected by a number of clauses along the way.
As stated above, a power of attorney in public form is required for this type of transaction which means the document may need to be authenticated and signed before a Notaire in order to be valid and enforceable under French law.
It used to be possible to sign such power of attorney before French consulate and diplomatic services officials as an alternative to a French Notaire. However, since 1 January 2019, French consulate or embassy do no longer provide such notarial services.
This major change complicates somewhat the process as it may turn out to be an impossible mission to find a French qualified Notaire allowed to practice overseas.
Based on our recent experiences, it appears that some Notaires in France may be reluctant in accepting a power of attorney in public form executed before a Hong Kong qualified public notary but the rule does not seem absolute. Some Notaires may accept a power of attorney executed in these conditions. In any event, individuals who are facing this situation have to make sure with their Notaire beforehand this solution is feasible before considering it.
Disclaimer: This article is for reference only. Nothing herein shall be construed as Hong Kong legal advice or any legal advice for that matter to any person. Oldham, Li & Nie shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damage incurred by any person acting as a result of the materials contained in this article.
With the high-speed development and improvement of China’s economic and judiciary practice, both Chinese substantive law and procedural law have been broadly developed in recent 20 years, particularly in respect of administrative litigation proceedings.
According to the latest monthly report issued by China Intellectual Property Administration (“CNIPA”) on trademark review cases (No. 2020.07), during the period of 16 June – 15 July 2020, the number and rate of administrative litigation got a rise. The detailed statistics are as follows:
Trademark Cases in relation to administration litigation |
Court Level |
Year over year rate |
Month over month rate |
1,894 |
The First Instance |
Increase by 10.24% |
Increase by 9.67%;
467 |
The Second Instance |
Decrease by 28.37% |
Increase by 40.66%; |
20 |
Retrial, The People’s Supreme Court (“PSC”), |
Decrease by 72.60% |
Decrease by 67.74%. |
The CNIPA also released total number and rate of administration litigation cases between the period of January – July 2020, namely:
Trademark Cases in relation to administration litigation |
Court Level |
Year over year rate |
7,238 |
The First Instance |
Decrease by 10.75% |
2,990 |
The Second Instance |
Decrease by 10.29%; |
404 |
Retrial, The People’s Supreme Court (“PSC”), |
Increase by 15.10%. |
If CNIPA maintains our application for review of refusal/non-use cancellation/invalidation unfavorable to our clients in the administrative examination proceedings, how can we seek judiciary remedy further?
An appeal against such unfavorable decisions before the Beijing Intellectual Property Court (“Court”), i.e. an administrative lawsuit, can be lodged at a prescribed time.
If an(a) applicant/registrant/opponent/petitioner is not satisfied with CNIPA’s decision on application/cancellation/opposition/revocation of the mark in connection with their rights, they are allowed to initiate an administrative lawsuit against CNIPA’s decision within 30 days (for foreign individual/companies/entities), and which is calculated from date receipt of the decision (or 15 days for domestic applicant) before the Beijing Intellectual Property Court (“Court”).
After initiating the appeal by the afore-mentioned deadline, the Court will grant the plaintiff (foreign individual/companies/entities) 3 months’ time to supplement notarized and legalized Power of Attorney (“PoA”) and personal identity/company documents to the Court as follows:
1. PoA – signed by the representative of the company;
2. Certificate of Legal Representative –signed by the said representative;
3. Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Incorporation of the plaintiff, showing the said representative has the authority to sign legal documents on behalf of the plaintiff; and
4. Personal ID/passport (individual)/Certificate of Good Standing (company/entity) of plaintiff, indicating the current status of the plaintiff i.e. the company is subsisting on the register and active; the company is not subject to dissolution; and the company has not been liquidated, bankrupt, under custody or revoked.
In general, the local Registrar of Companies (Companies House/Registry), who has issued a “Certificate of Incorporation of the company”, can issue document 4 above.
If all these notarized and legalized documents are in order, the Court will issue a notice of acceptance and set down a hearing for the case in around 1.5 months’ time, and make a decision in 2 – 3 months’ time.
Points to note:
If any party is dissatisfied with the decision made in the First Instance, the party can appeal to the Beijing High Court (“High Court”) within 30 days (for foreign individual/companies/entities), which is calculated from date receipt of the decision (or 15 days for domestic applicant) from the CNIPA.
There is no requirement of any further notarized and legalized documents from the plaintiff/applicant to appeal to the Hight Court.
The High Court usually conducts paper examination under the appeal, grounds and evidence submitted by the parties, and seldom sets down a hearing unless it is necessary.
It takes the High Court 3-6 months’ time to issue an appeal decision. Once the appeal decision is issued, it becomes final.
As you may note, retrial proceedings are exceptional to the two instance of court proceedings. General speaking, the chance of success in retrial proceedings before the Supreme People’s Court (“SPC”) is not optimistic. In addition, the SPC will even dismiss a retrial request directly.
Nevertheless, if there are obvious mistakes either in substantive rights or procedural rights that affected the decision issued in the Second Instance, requesting the SPC to retry the case is a remedy for the judge to correct the mistakes in the retrial proceedings.
From the second table above, there were 404 retrial cases between January – July 2020, which indicates the year over year increase by 15.10%. This is a significant number that shows a chance of success in overturning a final decision by way of retrial. In fact, the SPC did overturn many cases e.g. the landmark PRETUL case (the Supreme People’s Court – No. 2014 – 38). The SPC re-tried the case, and overturned the final decision.
Moreover, could precedents be applied when ruling a case in the said Court proceedings above?
Although case law is not binding in China, based on the current practices, the judge tends to take into account of a precedent when ruling the case, if the plaintiff/defendant cites the precedent. This means precedents would facilitate to overturn the case in the Court proceedings above, which requests the Court to adopt the same reasoning.
This tendency has been indeed improved and ascertained by the SPC in its ‘Guidance on the Application of Law to Strengthen Research of Similar cases (Trial)’ coming into effect since 31 July 2020 (“Guidance”). For more details of the Guidance, please see the SPC’s official publication in Chinese at http://www.court.gov.cn/fabu-xiangqing-243981.html.
Thanks for reading and we will keep you updated of further interesting/meaningful development of PRC administrative lawsuits.
Should you have any inquires pertaining to trademark right and protection in China, please contact evelyne.yeung@oln-law.com or angel.luo@oln-law.com, and we will be pleased to answer and assist.
Disclaimer: This article is for reference only. Nothing herein shall be construed as Hong Kong legal advice or any legal advice for that matter to any person. Oldham, Li & Nie shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damage incurred by any person acting as a result of the materials contained in this article.
1. 禁制令
2. 剔除申請
(a) 該狀書或註明並無披露合理的訴訟因由或抗辯(視屬何情況而定);
(b) 該狀書或註明屬於惡意中傷、瑣屑無聊或無理纏擾;
(c) 該狀書或註明可能會對有關訴訟的公平審訊造成損害、妨礙或延遲;
(d) 在其他方面而言該狀書或註明是濫用法庭的法律程序。
3. 限制申請令/限製程序令/《高等法院條例》(第4章)第27條
4. 欠缺狀書/缺席判決
5. 除非命令
如果不希望直接申請刪除/簡易判決,無辜的一方可以選擇申請 “除非命令”,並利用無理訴訟人未能遵守法院的指示,繼續採取行動或做出最終判決。
6. 簡易判決
7. 交付羈押
根據《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第52條,法院有權根據鄙視法院的行為作出羈押的命令 (鄙視法院的行為包括違反禁制令)。如果無理訴訟人始終不遵守法院命令,法院有權判監。
8. 禁止發布命令和匿名命令
+852 2186 1885
• 商標註冊申請;及撤回商標註冊申請
• 更改註冊人/申請人的名稱/地址
• 變更名義/地址/管理規則/成員名單申請;及撤回變更
• 變更代理人/文件接收人;及撤回變更
• 刪減商品/服務項目;及撤回刪減
• 商标转让/移转;及撤回轉讓/移轉
• 商標註銷申請;及撤回商標註銷
• 商標使用許可備案;及撤回備案
• 变更许可人/ 被许可人备案
• 商标使用许可提前终止备案
• 出具优先权证明申请商標註冊證
• 马德里国际商标出具商标注册证明
• 商標更正
• 補發商標註冊證
• 补发變更轉讓續展證明
• 代理人變更(代理人名稱/地址的變更)
• 商標駁回申請
流程 | 電子申請 | 紙質申請 |
申請表 | 網上填寫 | 申請表原件 |
提交日期 | 網上提交 – 工作天20:00之前 | 親自送到 – 工作天16:30之前;或郵寄送到 – 但申請日為國知局的確認收件日 |
通信/通知商標註冊申請受理通知書/改正通知書(如有)/駁回通知書(如有)/公告/註冊 | 電子通知 | 紙質通知 |
官方費用 | 人民幣270一個申請 | 人民幣300一個申請 |
Among all the destinations, Taiwan is always one of Hong Kong people’s favorite choice for emigration, likely because of its relatively affordable living standard, similar language and culture and democratic lifestyle. According to data from Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior, immigration from the Hong Kong to Taiwan has increased by 28 percent from January to July in 2019.
This article will examine from a taxation perspective the considerations which a person should pay due regard to before emigration, so as to better plan for future taxes which might arise at the time of and after the emigration to Taiwan.
Overview of Ways to Obtain Taiwan Citizenship
Taiwan offers a number of pathways to citizenship through permanent residency, covering family, study, business innovation, investment, and employment.
Individuals who wish to immigrate to Taiwan shall first obtain the Alien Resident Certificate (similar to the green card in the United States). This Alien Resident Certificate allows individuals to legally stay in Taiwan based on the fact that they are working in Taiwan under the permission, or being married to a Taiwanese spouse, or being an investor having invested over a certain amount of capital with the approval by the relevant authorities in Taiwan etc..
1. Investment
If you opt for the investment route, you shall first apply for a resident visa for investment and then the Alien Resident Certificate. The criteria for obtaining an investment visa in Taiwan is relatively less demanding comparing with some other popular choices for migration, especially for applicants from Hong Kong and Macau.
Applicants from Hong Kong and Macau may make an investment of at least NTD6 million (i.e. around USD200,000 or HKD1.5 million) in a private Taiwanese company in order to be eligible for making an application for the investment visa and the Alien Resident Certificate. They may then apply for naturalization as Taiwanese directly after:- (a) 1 year of legal residency, during which the applicant cannot leave Taiwan for more than 30 days; or (b) 2 consecutive years of legal residency and having been physically present in Taiwan for at least 270 days per year.
Non-Hong Kong and Macau applicants may opt for the following alternative route for obtaining an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (the “APRC”) (i.e. permanent residence permit) thus Taiwanese citizenship, in which case the applicant will not be required to be physically present in Taiwan during his residency:-
a. Making an investment of NTD15 million in a Taiwanese business which creates 5 or more full-time jobs for Taiwan nationals for over 3 years, in which case the applicant is required to have held the Alien Resident Certificate for over 3 years before making the application for the APRC; or
b. Making an investment of NTD30 million in the government bonds of Taiwan for over 3 years, in which case the applicant is required to have held the Alien Resident Certificate for over 5 years before making the application for the APRC.
Foreign nationals who own the APRC and have legally and continuously resided in Taiwan for 5 years and having been physically present in Taiwan for at least 183 days per year can apply for naturalization as Taiwanese.
2. Studies
Graduates from universities in Taiwan may apply for permit to work locally thus residency in Taiwan. Permanent residency and naturalization as Taiwanese may then be applied for after the applicant resides in Taiwan for 5 years legally and continuously and having been physically present in Taiwan for at least 183 days per year.
Alternatively, graduates from universities in Taiwan may first return to their home place of residence to work for 2 years or more, and apply for permit to work locally thus residency in Taiwan. Permanent residency and naturalization as Taiwanese may then be applied for after 1 year in fastest cases.
3. Business innovation
You may apply for a Taiwan entrepreneur visa and residency if any of the following requirements is met:-
a. Having received venture capital investment or international fundraising in your business innovation of more than NTD2 million;
b. Having received approval to reside at a recognized innovation park or incubator in Taiwan;
c. Having obtained patent rights or professional skills certificate;
d. Having been awarded in a leading startup or design competition, or has been involved in a foreigner entrepreneurship project in Taiwan;
e. Having been or is currently located in a startup accelerator recognized by the Taiwanese government;
f. The enterprise or the person in charge of the enterprise has been nominated or awarded in a film festival;
g. Having received innovation subsidy of at least NTD3 million from the central government or at least NTD1 million from the local government;
h. Having possessed innovation capability specified or recommended by the Taiwanese government; or
i. Legal representative, manager or director of an established enterprise with innovation capability in Taiwan with an investment of at least NTD1 million.
Permanent residency and naturalization as Taiwanese may then be applied for after 5 years in the fastest cases.
4. Skilled immigrants
Applicants being professional at certain fields, including accountants, lawyers, medical practitioners, architects etc. may apply for Taiwan residency through its skilled immigration program.
They may then apply for naturalization as Taiwanese after:- (a) 1 year of legal residency, during which the applicant cannot leave Taiwan for more than 30 days; or (b) 2 consecutive years of legal residency and having been physically present in Taiwan for at least 270 days per year.
5. Family reunion
Like other countries, one may also immigrate to Taiwan on the basis of family reunion, if he has a direct relative or a spouse with Taiwan citizenship.
Overview of Taxation in Taiwan
For personal income tax, the progressive tax rates of personal income tax in Taiwan range from 5% to 40%. Similar to Hong Kong, Taiwan levies personal income tax on a territorial basis (i.e. only Taiwan sourced income (for both resident and non-resident) is subject to income tax in Taiwan). That being said, for Taiwan resident whose income is derived from sources outside Taiwan, such income is subject to alternative minimum tax (“AMT”).[1] As for capital gain, Taiwan does not tax capital gains separately. All gains, unless otherwise specifically exempted by the applicable laws, are taxed as ordinary income.
For corporate income tax, a Taiwan resident company is taxed on its worldwide income. The current corporate income tax rate is 20%. Similar to the treatment on individuals, there is also no separate capital gains tax in Taiwan for companies.
Hong Kong currently does not have a comprehensive treaty for double taxation with Taiwan. This essentially means that, for example, in the absence of bilateral tax concessions, a Hong Kong citizen or alien in Taiwan whose income has a Hong Kong source can be taxed twice, once in Hong Kong based on Hong Kong’s territorial source principle of taxation, and another time on AMT paid in the Taiwan. That being said, Taiwan provides unilateral tax credit relief in respect of foreign-sourced income – income tax paid in other countries on income derived outside Taiwan may be credited against one’s total income tax liability in Taiwan. It is also worth noting that double taxation on the income received by people and companies across Taiwan and China is alleviated by the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, but Hong Kong is not a party thereto.
Pre-migration Tax Planning
Pre-migration tax planning is particular important to people (especially Hong Kong resident) who are planning to immigrate to Taiwan for the following reasons:-
1. Taiwan has a higher corporate tax rate and individual income tax rate compared to Hong Kong;
2. There is no capital gain tax in Hong Kong, whilst capital gain is taxed as ordinary income and subject to personal income tax as high as a rate of 40% (compared to the cap of 17% in Hong Kong) or corporate income tax of 20%;
3. There is no tax on dividends in Hong Kong, whilst dividends can be taxable in Taiwan; and
4. There is no estate duties in Hong Kong, whilst the same exists in Taiwan (which will be further discussed below).
We list out hereinbelow some of the pre-emigration preparation which one may need to consider in order to properly plan his/her tax affairs before immigrating to Taiwan.
Unlike Hong Kong, estate tax exists in Taiwan and the same will be levied on the following estate properties:-
1. Property remained by the deceased who was a Taiwan citizen and regularly resided in Taiwan, regardless of the location of the property; and
2. Property left by the deceased who was a Taiwan citizen but resided outside Taiwan regularly, or who was not a Taiwan citizen, if the property is located within Taiwan.
Estate tax rates in Taiwan range from 10% for net taxable estate amount of or under NTD50,000,000, to 20% for net taxable estate amount of or over NTD100,000,001. Accordingly, for individuals (especially high-net worth individuals with properties located in other countries) who are planning to immigrate to Taiwan and acquire Taiwan citizenship, it would be advisable to set up a trust before the migration, such that estate taxes can be saved in respect of the trust assets.
How the trust shall be structured is another important issue. Under Taiwan tax laws, gift tax would be levied for:-
1. Gift made by a donor who is a Taiwan citizen who regularly resides in Taiwan, regardless of the location of the gifted property;
2. Gift made by a donor who is not a Taiwanese citizen or a Taiwanese citizen residing outside of Taiwan as long as the property is located within Taiwan. In determining whether the property is located in Taiwan, a gifted property to a trust would be deemed as locating in Taiwan (even though it might not be physically present in Taiwan) if the residence of the trustee is Taiwan. The donor i.e. the settlor of such trust in the circumstance would then be subject to gift tax.
Gift tax rates in Taiwan range from 10% for net taxable gift amount of or under NTD25,000,000, to 20% for net taxable gift amount of or over NTD50,000,001. Accordingly, one would need careful consideration and shall seek professional advice on the trust structure (including timing of settling the trust (i.e. whether the settlement shall be done before acquiring Taiwan citizenship), choice of settlor, choice of trustee, choice of trust assets etc.) so as to minimise any gift tax arising from the settlement of the trust.
Capital Gains and land value increment tax for real estates
If one intends to acquire real estates in Taiwan, he may also need to consider the holding structure of such properties as any transfer of real estates in Taiwan is subject to, inter alia, significant land value increment tax and capital gain tax, and that there are also different tax treatments in relation to the rental income generated from these real estates by corporate/individual, or Taiwan/non-Taiwan residents.
Land value increment tax is computed based on the increase in the assessed value of the relevant land since the last ownership transfer. Land value increment tax rates vary from 20% to 40%, while capital gain tax rates in respect of transaction of real estates in Taiwan range from 15% to 45%, depending on the holding period and the residence of the parties.
As could be seen above, however attractive the “Formosa” might be, in terms of taxation, Taiwan is a less friendly jurisdiction to taxpayers compared to Hong Kong. Accordingly, careful pre-migration tax planning is required and tax advice shall be sought before one moves to Taiwan.
OLN provides a range of migration, corporate restructuring and tax advisory services. If you have any questions on the above, please contact one of the members of our Tax Advisory Team.
Disclaimer: This article is for reference only. Nothing herein shall be construed as Taiwan or Hong Kong legal advice or any legal advice for that matter to any person. Oldham, Li & Nie shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damage incurred by any person acting as a result of the materials contained in this article.
[1] Residents with AMT taxable income exceeding NTD6.7 million is subject to an AMT tax rate calculated by the following formula:- (Income subject to AMT – NTD6.7 million)x20%. Separately, any overseas income exceeding NTD1 million is reportable.
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