Team Green OLN accepted the Adventure Clean Up challenge
28 Avr 2021
Saturday 24 April 2021, lawyers from OLN accepted the Adventure Clean Up challenge and spent their Saturday cleaning up Hong Kong’s beautiful trails & coastlines. Ten huge bags of litter were collected!
Associate Ivan Lee, Team Captain of Team Green OLN, stated “Team Green OLN, a group of 10 enthusiastic and driven lawyers, were determined to challenge themselves both physically and mentally for a better and cleaner environment on Hong Kong’s beautiful trails and coastlines. We don’t just waste paper!“
As Adventure Clean Up explains ‘Hong Kong Island has around 80 km of coastline of which large parts are coastal cliffs. The easy accessible beach sites are getting cleaned on a regular basis by government services and community organised beach clean ups. The majority of coast and cliffs are more remote and harder to reach by the general public. Trash has been collecting in these areas for years.’ Adventure Clean Up’s mission ‘Is to raise awareness in relation to waste and coastal contamination and the personal actions we can take to reduce/minimise this in the future, doing so:
• In a compelling, fun, adventurous way
• Leveraging on our sporty community that loves outdoor challenges
• Focusing on practical, experiential action to bring about sustaining change in the participants, communities involved and the audience.’
Adventure Clean Up purpose aligns brilliantly with OLN’s culture and commitment to ‘practical solutions, on time, no excuses!’ We love action and the outdoors, and treasure Hong Kong’s idyllic beaches and hiking trails through its lush green mountains.
OLN would like to express our appreciation to Adventure Clean Up for this meaningful opportunity and congratulate Team Green OLN!
April 2021

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