Corporate Social Responsibility at OLN
How does OLN approach CSR?
OLN takes its CSR role very seriously, especially as a corporate citizen in Hong Kong, and we actively encourage all of our staff to participate across a wide range of community projects. We strive to make a real difference in the Community we live and work in, whether it be charity work or acting as mentors for underprivileged children.
Who gets involved and what kind of CSR activities does OLN do?
Who gets involved in our CSR at OLN is entirely up to the individual staff member as to whether or not they wish to participate. Fortunately, we have been (and hope to continue being) lucky that most of our staff consistently volunteer to participate in our CSR activities.
Here are just some of the things we do at OLN:

Action Asia Foundation
OLN actively supports the Action Asia Foundation. Our recent involvement was sponsoring a charity kayaking day at the Gold Coast in Hong Kong. The children were from Camp Quality, a children’s cancer charity.

Adventure Cleanup Challenge
Lawyers don’t just waste paper, they also plant trees. OLN regularly participates in the Adventure Clean Up (ACUC) Challenge Hong Kong. ACUC is the first multi-discipline sports competition with a mission for good – help clean up the harder to access coastal areas and trails in Hong Kong. ACUC partners with Hong Kong company Ecomatcher to plant trees around the world, and the winner of the competition receives a company forest planted and branded with company name and logo.

Child Welfare Scheme
One ongoing project which OLN has favoured is the Child Welfare Scheme. For years, Gordon Oldham has participated in various events, with Gordon in “Racing the Planet” specifically to raise money for CWS.

Free Will
OLN was the first business in Hong Kong to launch the concept of “Free Will”. We help anyone to draft a free Will, as long as they donate a small amount of money to our partner charity. We do not have any administrative expenses, every donated dollar goes directly to our partner charity.
We ran our first Free Will campaign in 2011 when we realised that a lot of people in Hong Kong were under the misconception that they did not need a Will due to the abolishment of estate duty in 2006. Many still misunderstand that an estate will automatically pass to your loved ones even without a Will in place.
We ran our 3rd Free Will campaign in March – April 2022 and prepared a simple Will for anyone who contributed HK$2,900 to the Hong Kong based charity Helping Hand, a registered NGO dedicated to serving the elderly in Hong Kong who are in need. 100% of raised funds went towards providing food, daily essentials and whatever is required to help the elderly in need to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak.

RUN is a registered Hong Kong charity that supports vulnerable refugees, particularly women, to build resilience and nurture self-reliance for a more hopeful future. OLN co-hosted together with RUN an event in our office – our employees met with several refugees, learned about their situation in Hong Kong, and how we can get involved.
We also welcomed Nadia, a refugee from RUN, to complete her internship at OLN in 2021. We enjoyed having Nadia working at OLN, she became a reliable member of the Marketing team with a high standard of professionalism.
Nadia said “I am grateful for the opportunity to gain practical skills that will be useful for any intellectual worker. I am also grateful for the wonderful and understanding team. Thank you for the time I spent here at OLN, it has opened my mind and made me feel more confident. Thank you so much for the Internship.”

Can anyone get involved?
Yes! If you are interested in hearing more about the CSR events that we organise and contribute to, please see below for contact information.
Where can I find out more information?
Contact us by email or call us at +852 2868 0696
And finally, thank you for your interest in OLN’s CSR!